By Brad Hedlund
Lately I’ve been thinking about the potential applicability of OpenFlow to massively scalable data centers. A common building block of a massive cloud data center is a cluster, a grouping of racks and servers with a common profile of inter-rack bandwidth and latency characteristics. One of the primary challenges in building networks for a massive cluster of servers (600-1000 racks) is the scalability of the network switch control plane.
Simplistically speaking, the basic job of a network switch is to make a forwarding decision (control plane) and subsequently forward the data toward a destination (data plane). In the networking context, the phrase “control plane” might mean different things to different people. When I refer to “control plane” here I’m talking about the basic function of making a forwarding decision, the information required to facilitate that decision, and the processing required to build and maintain that information.
To make forwarding decisions very quickly, the network switch is equipped with very specialized memory resources (TCAM) to hold the forwarding information. The specialized nature of this memory makes it difficult and expensive for each switch to have large quantities of memory available for holding information about a large network.
Given that OpenFlow removes the control plane responsibilities from the switch, it also removes the scale problems along with it and shifts the burden upstream to a more scalable and centralized OpenFlow controller. When controlled via OpenFlow, the switch itself no longer makes forwarding decisions. Therefore the switch no longer needs to maintain the information required to facilitate those decisions, and no longer needs to run the processes required to build and maintain that information. All of that responsibility is now outsourced to the central over-aching OpenFlow controller. With that in mind, my curiosity is piqued about the impact this may have on scalability, for better or worse.
Making a forwarding decision requires having information. And the nature of that information is composed by the processes used to build it. In networks today, each individual network switch independently performs all three functions; building the information, storing the information, and making a decision. OpenFlow seeks to assume all three responsibilities. Sidebar question: Is it necessary to assume all three functions to achieve the goal of massive scale?
In networks today, if you build a cluster based on a pervasive Layer 2 design (any VLAN in any rack), every top of rack (ToR) switch builds forwarding information by a well-known process called source MAC learning. This process forms the nature of the forwarding information stored by each ToR switch which results in a complete table of all station MAC addresses (virtual and physical) in the entire cluster. With a limit of 16-32K entires in the MAC table of the typical ToR, this presents a real scalability problem. But what really created this problem? The process used to the build the information (source mac learning)? The amount of information exposed to the process (pervasive L2 design)? Or the limited capacity to hold information?
The OpenFlow enabled ToR switch doesn’t have any of those problems. It doesn’t need to build forwarding information (source mac learning) and it doesn’t need to store it. This sounds promising for scalability. But by taking such a wholesale ownership of the switch control plane, does OpenFlow create a new scalability challenge in the process? Consider that a rack with 40-80 multi-core servers could be processing thousands of new flows per second. With the ToR sending the first packet of each new flow to the OpenFlow controller, how do you build a message bus to support that? How does that scale over many hundreds of racks? Assuming 5,000 new flows per rack (per second) – across 1000 racks – that’s 5,000,000 flow inspections per second to be delivered to and from the OpenFlow controller(s) and the ToR switches. Additionally, if each server is running an OpenFlow controlled virtual switch, the first packet of the same 5,000,000 flows per second will also be perceived as new by virtual switch and again sent to the OpenFlow controller(s). That’s 10,000,000 flow inspections per second, without yet factoring the aggregation switch traffic.
In networks today, another cluster design option that provides better scalability is a mixed L2/L3 design where the Layer 2 ToR switch is only exposed to a unique VLAN for it’s rack only, with the L3 aggregation switches straddling all racks and all VLANs. Here the same MAC learning process is used only now the ToR is exposed to much less information, just one VLAN unique to the 40 or 80 servers in it’s rack. Therefore, the resulting information set is vastly reduced, easily fitting into typical ToR table sizes and virtually eliminates the ToR switch as a scaling problem. OpenFlow controlling the ToR switch here would not add much value here in terms of scalability. In fact, in this instance, OpenFlow may create a new scalability challenge that previously did not exist (10,000,000 flow inspections per second).
In either the pervasive L2 or mixed L2/L3 designs discussed above, the poor aggregation switches (straddling all VLANs, for all racks in the cluster) are faced with the burden of building and maintaining both Layer 2 and Layer 3 forwarding information for all hosts in the cluster (perhaps 50-100K physical machines, and many more virtual). While the typical aggregation switch (Nexus 7000) may have more forwarding information scalability than a typical ToR, these table sizes too are finite, creating scalability limits to the overall cluster size. Furthermore, the processing required to build and maintain the vast amounts of L2 & L3 forwarding information (e.g. ARP) can pose challenges to stability.
Here again, the OpenFlow controlled aggregation switch would outsource all three control plane responsibilities to the OpenFlow controller(s); building information, maintaining information, and making forwarding decisions. Given the aggregation switch is now relieved of the responsibility of building and maintaining forwarding information, this opens the door to higher scalability, better stability, and larger clusters sizes. However, again, a larger cluster size means more flows per second. Because the aggregation switch doesn’t have the information to make a decision, it must send the first packet of each new flow to the OpenFlow controller(s) and wait for a decision. The 5,000,000 new flows per second are now inspected again at the aggregation switch for potential total of 15,000,000 inspections per second for 5,000,000 flows through Agg, ToR, and vSwitch layers. How do you build a message bus to support such load? Should the message bus be in-band? Out-of-band? If out-of-band, how does that affect cabling and does it mean a separate switch infrastructure for the message bus?
One answer to reducing the flow inspection load would be reducing the granularity of what constitutes a new flow. Rather than viewing each new TCP session as a new flow, perhaps anything destined to a specific server IP address is considered a flow. This would dramatically reduce our 5,000,000 new flow inspections per second number. However, by reducing the flow granularity in OpenFlow we also equally compromise forwarding control of each individual TCP session inside of the main “flow”. This might be a step forward for scalability, but could be a step backward in traffic engineering. Switches today are capable of granular load balancing of individual TCP sessions across equal cost paths.
Finally, in networks today, there is the end-to-end L3 cluster design where the Agg, ToR, and vswitch are all Layer 3 switches. Given that the aggregation switch is no longer Layer 2 adjacent to all hosts within the cluster, the amount of processing required to maintain Layer 2 forwarding information is greatly reduced. For example, it is no longer necessary for the Agg switch to store a large MAC table, process ARP requests, and subsequently map destination MACs to /32 IP route table entries for all hosts within the cluster (a process called ‘ARP glean’). This certainly helps the stability and overall scalability of the cluster.
However, the end-to-end L3 cluster design introduces new scalability challenges. Rather than processing ARP requests, the Agg switch must now maintain L3 routing protocol sessions with each L3 ToR (hundreds). Assuming OSPF or IS-IS as the IGP, each ToR and vswitch must process LSA (link state advertisement) messages from every other switch in its area. And each Agg switch (straddling all areas) must processes all LSA messages from all switches in all areas of the cluster. Furthermore, now that the Agg switch is no longer L2 adjacent to all hosts, this also means the Load Balancers may not be L2 adjacent to all hosts either. How does that impact the Load Balancer configuration? Will you need to configure L3 source NAT for all flows? The Load Balancer may not support L3 direct server return, etc.
The problem here is not so much the table sizes holding the information (IP route table) as much as it is the processes required to build and maintain that information (IP routing protocols). Here again, OpenFlow would take a wholesale approach of completely removing all of the table size and L3 processing requirements. With OpenFlow, the challenges of Layer 2 vs. Layer 3 switching and the associated scalability trade-offs is irrelevant and removed. That’s good for scalability. However OpenFlow would also take responsibility for forwarding decisions, and in a huge cluster of millions of flows that could add new challenges to scalability (discussed earlier).
In considering the potential message bus and flow inspection scalability challenges of OpenFlow in a massive data center, one thought comes to mind: Is it really necessary to remove all control plane responsibilities from the switch to achieve the goal of scale? Rather than taking the wholesale all-or-nothing approach as OpenFlow does, what if only one function of the control plane was replaced, leaving the rest in tact? Remember the three main functions we’ve discussed; building information, maintaining information, making forwarding decisions. What if the function of building information was replaced by a controller, while the switch continued to hold the information provided to it and therefore make forwarding decisions based on the provided information?
In such a model, the controller acts as a software defined network provisioning system, programming the switches via an open API with L2 and L3 forwarding information, and continually updating upon changes. The controller knows the topology, L2 or L3, and knows the devices attached to the topology and their identities (IP/MAC addresses). The burdening process of ARP gleans or managing hundreds of routing protocol adjacencies and messages is offloaded to the controller, while the millions of new flows per second are forwarded immediately by each switch, without delay. Traditional routing protocols and spanning tree could go away as we know it, with the controller having a universal view of the topology, much like OpenFlow. The message bus between switch and controller still exists however the number of flows and flow granularity are of no concern. Only new and changed L2 or L3 forwarding information traverses the message bus (along with other management data perhaps). This too is also a form of Software Defined Networking (SDN), in my humble opinion.
Perhaps this is an avenue the ONF (Open Networking Foundation) will explore in their journey to build and define SDN interfaces?
Once a controller and message bus is introduced into the architecture for SDN, the foundation is there to take the next larger leap into full OpenFlow, if it makes sense. A smaller subset of flows could be exposed to OpenFlow control for testing and experimentation, and moving gradually towards full OpenFlow control for all traffic if desired. Indeed we may find that granular OpenFlow processing and message bus scale is a non-issue in massive internet data centers.
A least for now, as you can see, I have a lot more questions than I have answers or hype. But one thing is for sure: things are changing fast, and it appears software defined networking, in one form or another, is the way forward.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Juniper trumps Cisco, adding OpenFlow to its routers, switches
Juniper has also made the source code of its OpenFlow application accessible to developers of applications for Junos
Juniper Networks has added OpenFlow to its switches and routers, and this week said it is making the source code of the application accessible to developers of applications for its Junos networking operating system software.
OpenFlow is an interface that enables software-defined networks (SDN), in which multivendor switches and routers are programmable through software. OpenFlow provides a layer of abstraction from the physical network to the control element, allowing that network to be configured or manipulated through software, which then opens it up to further customisation, proponents says.
Juniper rival Cisco is currently considering how to respond to OpenFlow and its momentum. Cisco says it is adding OpenFlow to its Nexus switches; but it’s believed that OpenFlow and SDNs may further commoditise network hardware, which would squeeze Cisco’s and other vendors’ profits on equipment sales and diminish the proprietary value of software.
Adding OpenFlow to the Junos SDK is intended make Juniper’s routers and switches programmable through software. The Junos SDK allows developers to build custom applications on top of Junos to expand or create additional functionality on Juniper switches and routers.
Juniper demonstrated the OpenFlow protocol running on its MX 3D edge routers at the Carrier Ethernet World Congress and presented at last week’s Open Networking Summit at Stanford University. Juniper is a founding member of the Open Networking Foundation, an organisation of users, vendors and service providers evangelising OpenFlow and SDNs, and plans to participate in this week’s Applied OpenFlow Symposium in San Jose.
OpenFlow is an interface that enables software-defined networks (SDN), in which multivendor switches and routers are programmable through software. OpenFlow provides a layer of abstraction from the physical network to the control element, allowing that network to be configured or manipulated through software, which then opens it up to further customisation, proponents says.
Making Cisco scared
It’s been pitched as a key element to enabling flexibility required in large data centers and in cloud computing environments. Other observers, though, are hard pressed to find applicability for OpenFlow and SDNs in the enterprise.Creating more dynamic network programmability
The OpenFlow application works with Junos to change the control plane of those switches and routers to create more dynamic network programmability, Juniper says. This will simplify control of network devices and allow more rapid development of applications and capabilities across the network infrastructure, the company says.Juniper demonstrated the OpenFlow protocol running on its MX 3D edge routers at the Carrier Ethernet World Congress and presented at last week’s Open Networking Summit at Stanford University. Juniper is a founding member of the Open Networking Foundation, an organisation of users, vendors and service providers evangelising OpenFlow and SDNs, and plans to participate in this week’s Applied OpenFlow Symposium in San Jose.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The difference between TFTP and FTP
My company is currently implementing trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) on OS level of AS400 instead of file transfer protocol (FTP). What is the major security difference between those two protocols? What are the security advantages and disadvantages of implementing TFTP? I heard that TFTP is a less secure protocol (no user ID or password needed) than FTP? What measures should be taken to strengthen the security over data file transfer?
My company is currently implementing trivial file transfer protocol (TFTP) on OS level of AS400 instead of file transfer protocol (FTP). What is the major security difference between those two protocols? What are the security advantages and disadvantages of implementing TFTP? I heard that TFTP is a less secure protocol (no user ID or password needed) than FTP? What measures should be taken to strengthen the security over data file transfer?
- FTP provides minimal security through user logins
- TFTP does not use logins
- FTP provides a reliable service through its use of TCP
- TFTP does not since it uses UDP
- FTP uses two connections
- TFTP uses one connection (stop and wait)
- FTP provides many commands
- TFTP provides only five commands
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What is Nicira up to?
With $40 million in funding, an all-star bench of investors and engineers, and technology that has already drawn spies, Nicira is an unusually visible company in the supposedly secretive “stealth” stage of its early life.
Its biggest mystery may be what kind of challenge its “network virtualization” will do to the likes of Cisco, Juniper, Hewlett-Packard and other companies in the multibillion-dollar computer networking business.
It’s hard to get a satisfying answer to that question from Steven Mullaney, chief executive of Nicira. “We are the most non-disruptive disruptive company out there,” he says. “All the networking companies will be around.” What he may be ripping out, however, is the most valuable part of those companies’ business: the brains that govern what they do. He would not say when this will start, but indications are that it is a matter of months.
Here is what is known: In August, a press release from N.T.T., Japan’s largest telephone company, indicated that Nicira’s software had enabled it to move the actions of thousands of computers from one building to another without missing a beat. N.T.T. noted that this was now only possible with a lot of adjustment between the two sides of the transaction. Using Nicira, it said, a company could do it without any planning or configuration.
If so, Nicira is solving a tough problem in the emerging world of cloud computing: how to move data all over the world quickly and efficiently. Specialists at Google and Amazon work on this problem now, but the difficulty and cost put it out of the reach of most companies.
Not for long, says Mr. Mullaney. “We enable you to be more like Amazon, with a platform for innovation that also saves you money. What’s that worth?” He said, “All people care about now is business velocity. That is why people want to go to the cloud. We will enable lots of service providers to act more like Amazon.”
In cloud computing, huge resources of data storage, computation and communications exist in remote structures with thousands of computers. These big data centers work with other large systems scattered around the globe, ideally working through millions of tasks, like showing videos or fetching sales projections, at once, with no regard from the customer for where the computing is actually taking place.
Nicira could take out much of the costly software and talent involved in running traditional networks if it left the tasks of moving packets of data inside the networking hardware while shifting tasks of setting up which computers receive what information under what conditions to its software. A diagram accompanying the N.T.T. press release indicated that Nicira could set up separate “virtual” networks within existing hardware, changing on the fly things like levels of security and numbers of computers involved in any system.
Judging from that, Nicira could be to networking something like what VMWare was to computer servers, a company that came out of nowhere and with clever software sharply dropped the price a hardware maker could get for a server. Diane Greene, a founder of VMWare, is an investor in Nicira, along with the venture capital firms Andreessen Horowitz, Lightspeed Ventures, and New Enterprise Associates. Mr. Mullaney has recruited senior engineers from VMWare, Google, Juniper and Cisco, among others.
They are not the only ones attracted to Nicira. About six months ago, someone broke into the company’s Palo Alto, Calif., headquarters and took a particularly valuable laptop containing a significant amount of Nicira’s intellectual property. While some people aware of the situation speculate the thief was an agent of a foreign government, Mr. Mullaney would only acknowledge the loss, which he dismissed as “very early stuff, nothing like what we’ve got now.”
Nonetheless, during my brief visit, three large bins of material were carefully removed by a professional shredding company. No one, Mr. Mullaney said, was leaving anything sensitive on a laptop now.
The theft harks back to Nicira’s roots. The company originated with Martin Casado, now its chief technology officer. According to Mr. Mullaney, Mr. Casado was working on network security for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory some years ago, when he was asked by United States intelligence agencies to figure out how to run a global network that could continually change levels of security and authorization.
“They needed something that would be flexible all the time,” Mr. Mullaney said. “He couldn’t do it, so he went to Stanford to solve the problem.” While at Stanford, Mr. Casado began what would eventually be Nicira with Nick McKeown, a professor there, and Scott Shenker, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
Its biggest mystery may be what kind of challenge its “network virtualization” will do to the likes of Cisco, Juniper, Hewlett-Packard and other companies in the multibillion-dollar computer networking business.
It’s hard to get a satisfying answer to that question from Steven Mullaney, chief executive of Nicira. “We are the most non-disruptive disruptive company out there,” he says. “All the networking companies will be around.” What he may be ripping out, however, is the most valuable part of those companies’ business: the brains that govern what they do. He would not say when this will start, but indications are that it is a matter of months.
Here is what is known: In August, a press release from N.T.T., Japan’s largest telephone company, indicated that Nicira’s software had enabled it to move the actions of thousands of computers from one building to another without missing a beat. N.T.T. noted that this was now only possible with a lot of adjustment between the two sides of the transaction. Using Nicira, it said, a company could do it without any planning or configuration.
If so, Nicira is solving a tough problem in the emerging world of cloud computing: how to move data all over the world quickly and efficiently. Specialists at Google and Amazon work on this problem now, but the difficulty and cost put it out of the reach of most companies.
Not for long, says Mr. Mullaney. “We enable you to be more like Amazon, with a platform for innovation that also saves you money. What’s that worth?” He said, “All people care about now is business velocity. That is why people want to go to the cloud. We will enable lots of service providers to act more like Amazon.”
In cloud computing, huge resources of data storage, computation and communications exist in remote structures with thousands of computers. These big data centers work with other large systems scattered around the globe, ideally working through millions of tasks, like showing videos or fetching sales projections, at once, with no regard from the customer for where the computing is actually taking place.
Nicira could take out much of the costly software and talent involved in running traditional networks if it left the tasks of moving packets of data inside the networking hardware while shifting tasks of setting up which computers receive what information under what conditions to its software. A diagram accompanying the N.T.T. press release indicated that Nicira could set up separate “virtual” networks within existing hardware, changing on the fly things like levels of security and numbers of computers involved in any system.
Judging from that, Nicira could be to networking something like what VMWare was to computer servers, a company that came out of nowhere and with clever software sharply dropped the price a hardware maker could get for a server. Diane Greene, a founder of VMWare, is an investor in Nicira, along with the venture capital firms Andreessen Horowitz, Lightspeed Ventures, and New Enterprise Associates. Mr. Mullaney has recruited senior engineers from VMWare, Google, Juniper and Cisco, among others.
They are not the only ones attracted to Nicira. About six months ago, someone broke into the company’s Palo Alto, Calif., headquarters and took a particularly valuable laptop containing a significant amount of Nicira’s intellectual property. While some people aware of the situation speculate the thief was an agent of a foreign government, Mr. Mullaney would only acknowledge the loss, which he dismissed as “very early stuff, nothing like what we’ve got now.”
Nonetheless, during my brief visit, three large bins of material were carefully removed by a professional shredding company. No one, Mr. Mullaney said, was leaving anything sensitive on a laptop now.
The theft harks back to Nicira’s roots. The company originated with Martin Casado, now its chief technology officer. According to Mr. Mullaney, Mr. Casado was working on network security for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory some years ago, when he was asked by United States intelligence agencies to figure out how to run a global network that could continually change levels of security and authorization.
“They needed something that would be flexible all the time,” Mr. Mullaney said. “He couldn’t do it, so he went to Stanford to solve the problem.” While at Stanford, Mr. Casado began what would eventually be Nicira with Nick McKeown, a professor there, and Scott Shenker, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
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